Saturday, January 21, 2006

Animal owner accused of cruelty

In Norwich, police rescued nine cats from a home. The police said that the house was in total dissaray. The room was filled with piles of clothing and other things that came up within a few feet of the ceiling(Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew)! There was cat urine and feces all over the place! There were insects crawling everywhere too. The police saw no litter boxes, no water containers, and no food containers. There wasn't even any cans or bags of cat food in the entire place!
Some of the cats got away when the police were trying to catch them. The police think that at least six cats got away.
While treating the cats for fleas and ticks, they found out that one cat was infected with feline AIDS, three with feline leukemia, and three with upper respritory infections.
Hawkins(the accused persnon) is charged with nine counts of animal cruelty because of the lack of medical care, unsanitary conditions, unsafe enviroment, foul air, and lack of food for the animals.
Hawkins was released on a promise to come to court on February 3, 2006, and reffered to the Southeastern Mental Health Authority.

And now for my opinion on the subject. I think it is a cruel thing to do to any animal, whether it is a cat or an elephant, no animal should have to live in it's own crap!!! If I got to ask this Hawkins guy a question, it would be 'how would you like to live in your s***?" It's just mind boggling to me that any human being would want to make any animal suffer when it's in your care. But then i think it is mind boggling that a human would want to kill another human. Any way since the creature's did live in his apartment, then supposedly he lived in there too. How could Hawkins live in that apartment? With all the feces and urine, there would be a terrible stench. I know i would hate to live in a stinky, messy apartment.


Blogger bella said...

okay, Kelly. I like your focus on animals, but you need to cover some mainstream news too: world events, politics, laws, etc. Please add these types of new stories to your blog.


5:35 AM  

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